Is your name on the list? See 2021 hurricanes & how we can help you prevent a potential disaster at home.

2021 Atlantic Tropical Hurricane names
June 1st welcomes hurricane season and based on this year’s activity, although every storm does not reach our Southeast FL coast it is something homeowners near and far are concerned about. This is the time of year A-Z receives many calls from worried clients and prospective clients, many of whom do not have a professional Home Watch company and only are concerned with a storm, the potential damage it can cause and not the long-term outlook.
We have to turn them down. Why? Because we only provide pre- and post-storm services to our current Home Watch clients.
You’re probably thinking, why would you turn potential clients away? There are a few reasons.
Taking care of someone’s home and/or property isn’t a last-second thing or an afterthought. Elsa is a perfect example of a storm that wavered between tropical storm to hurricane force winds and although we were aware of it from the time it was named, it never ended up posing a threat to our Southeast coastline. Had there been any question, we would have notified our existing clients as quickly as the Spaghetti models mentioned the storms were heading towards their homes and suggested they take appropriate actions or precautions. Tackling things like closing shutters and double-checking the property, any furniture, open windows, doors, holes, etc. can prevent major impact to someone’s home and in this example, Elsa’s arrival. Anytime there are storms nearby, we are communicating with our clients regularly and providing frequent updates. Once the storm has passed and it’s safe to return to the property, we perform what we call a ‘post-storm’ visit. This is a list of things that require immediate attention and is then sent to the home owner. As you can see from this example, there’s more involved than just a friendly visit to the home when a storm pops up and our primary goal is to make sure our client’s homes are safe, secure and kept in the best condition possible.
We have no idea what the future of a hurricane season holds and will be looking out for our clients’ properties so they can avoid fright from media hype and maintain some peace of mind during these storms and stressful times. Contact us for your free consultation or click here for more information on our hurricane services.
*Reference: National Hurricane Center