Did you lock your door?

Forget something?
Most of our clients are well accustomed to closing up their Florida vacation home, however, this year people are leaving later than usual and some are rushing out the door before completing their routine checklist and locking up their homes. At A-Z, we can understand these circumstances because 2020 impacted a large number of our clients and they were in their vacation homes longer than usual. Some were unable to leave last year at their regularly scheduled times, while others were unable to use their homes at all and are only returning now that things are calming down.
With people rushing back their primary homes and not having done their regular checklist for so long, we’ve noticed a few items being missed regularly. So far, our “catches of the day” include things such as AC units with thermostat left on the “ON” position, as opposed to “AUTO”, which is the way the unit cools properly. Other things like freezers packed full of perishables, doors left unlocked, water left on, personal items dropped on their way out the door and humidistats left on the incorrect setting. You may wonder, if a fridge/freezer is working and on why does it matter if perishables are left behind. Well, if a client is planning to be away for the season or longer, there could be power failures (which are very common during rainy/hurricane season) and we all know what happens to the food then. What about a humidistat, why is that important? Turning the default position to “ON” is for when they are in residence and actively using the home, when away a setting of 50% is preferred when their home or condo is unoccupied.
For these reasons and more, property owners need caring, responsive and knowledgeable professionals to look after their vacation homes. A-Z Home Watch has a thorough 21-point inspection and walk-thru process they perform for each and every time they visit a client’s home and having a second pair of eyes to make sure you home is safe and in good working condition is paramount to the long-term care of your second home.
Contact A-Z Home Watch today for your free consultation!